Iron Hand

Iron Hand
List: Monk
Cost: 10
Prereqs: Warrior Basic Career Skill List, Rogue Basic Career Skill List, 1 Weapon Skill, and 1 Backstab or Proficiency
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows the character to use Talons to represent their hands in combat. All the standard rules for claw combat apply, i.e. they may not touch cast, the base damage is 1 point, etc. However, they gain the ability to use the following skills with their hands (talons): Stun, Critical Attack, Disarm, Master Parry, Shatter Weapon, Speed, Slay, Weapon Accuracy, Waylay, Critical Backstab, Missile Defection, Assassinate, and Assassin Strike, skills. Additionally, any prerequisite for the aforementioned skills that requires Proficiency, Master Proficiency, or Assassin Proficiency skills are met with Monk Proficiencies and allows the character to use that skill. Monk Proficiencies DO NOT count as prerequisites for learning those skills not otherwise indicated in the skill description. For example, a Warrior Monk with 2 Monk Proficiencies can learn and use a Shatter Weapon skill, but could only use a Slay or Assassinate skill they learned through other means.

Once they learn this skill, the character can choose to sell back up to 2 of their basic Proficiency skills or up to 3 Backstab skills and then immediately buy up to 2 Monk Proficiency skills.

This change must take place once the skill is learned and can only take place when the skill is learned, not later on. Also, once the change is made, the player may not turn them back. Further, any skills learned that depend on those prereq’s will not be usable with the character’s weapons unless they still have the needed prerequisites to use that skill. For example, the prerequisite for the Stun skill is 1 Proficiency. Let’s say the character has one purchase of the Stun skill and two Proficiency skills before they purchase the Iron Hand skill, they can turn one or both of their Proficiencies into Monk Proficiencies. If they turn both of their Proficiencies into Monk Proficiencies, they can no longer use their Stun with their weapon, but can use it with their Talons.

Note, a Monk Proficiency counts towards the Iron Hand prereq, so if the character has no Proficiency skills after converting, they may still use the Iron Hand skill so long as they have at least 1 Monk Proficiency.

NOTE: Master Proficiencies and Assassin Proficiencies will work with the Iron Hand skill.

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